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Jawline, Jowls & Double Chin Treatment

Lower Face Structural Concerns & Solutions

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    Jawline Double Chin Results

    Immediate | 9 – 18 months

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    Procedure Time

    30 mins

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    Risk & Complications

    Swelling, Bruises and Infection (rare)

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    Full Recovery

    48 Hours

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How To Get Rid Of Double Chin & Jowls

What to do about Jowls? How to get rid of a double chin? These Are questions we get asked all the time.

Though anatomically, these question may seem to be related, they are not. We will explain the reasons and treatment options for both of these conditions.

Double Chin Removal Cannot Be Done Non Invasively

Clients, especially females, often exaggerate the double chin in their 30s who never had a double chin before. Double chins don’t spontaneously combust with ageing.

Hence it is vital to understand what a double chin is. See the picture below. That is a double chin, usually congenital, and the issue is too much fatty tissue in the region.

The treatment involves removing the fat.

Double Chin Removal Treatments That Work

PDO Threads For Face Slimming

PDO Threads are now widely popular for double chin removal. These threads also give jowls definition. PDO threads are minimally invasive, which helps to lift the sagging and loose facial skin. It promotes the generation of collagen and elastin as well as lipolysis. However, the amount of lipolysis required for actual double chins requires fat dissolving injections.


Aqualyx is a fat-dissolving injects made from plant material. They are very effective for double chin removal. A typical course is 4-6 injections with a 14-21 day gap in between each.

Laser Liposuction

If you don’t mind going under the general anaesthetic, then surgery with liposuction is the gold standard. The surgery is performed under local anaesthetic most of the time

Jowls Will Not Go With Facial Exercises

Most commonly, we get people presenting and worried about their double chin like the one below. A skin pinch will not reveal more than 2-3cm diameter. A skin pinch of 2cm in this area is just skin, not fat. So what happens here?


With age, there is a loss of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid. Fat pads in the face descend, and jowls start to appear with loss of jawline contour. Another common problem is localised fat underneath the chin area with loss of definition between the face and the neck. This fat collection causes the jawline almost to disappear.

Losing facial fat volume causes the skin along the jawline and chin to droop. The jawline definition is compromised, and the chin appears worse than it is. It is not strange to find clients focused on the chin, which doesn’t seem too bad, and neglect the heavy jowls.

Treatment Options For Jowls

Simple, replace the fat in the jawline and lift the jowls back to their original place. This treatment with filler is beneficial only for mild to moderate jowls. Advanced jowls will require surgical reposition. Dermal filler composed of hyaluronic acid is trendy for this treatment. We at Cosmedocs are trainer of PDO thread, but perform them  with caution. The type of dermal filler plays an important role as well as the quantity. The area concerned have volume loss can that can be measure in a tablespoon. One ml filler is a fifth of a teaspoon.

Client Reviews

Double Chin Removal Before And After

PDO Threads Pricing

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PDO Threads For Skin Tighthening & Fat Reduction, Face


PDO Threads are now widely used for non-surgical facelift treatments. These threads also give jowls definition by giving you a well-defined and slim jaw line. PDO threads are minimally incisive which helps to lift the sagging and loose facial skin. It promotes the generation of collagen and elastin giving a tighter and firmer skin which gives a slimming effect to the facial contours. It also helps in giving a shape to the sagging chin and gives it sleek contours, for a more dramatic jaw line.

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Dermal Fillers For Jowl Lift

Dermal fillers provide the ideal jowl lift. The cause of early jowls is the sinking of the face. This usually follows by sagging of the face. Arresting the sinking process resolves the sagging. Jowl definition improves by replacing lost volume in the mid and outer face.

Nefertiti Lift

The Nefertiti Lift or jowl reduction using Botox involves relaxing some of the lower face & neck’s depressor muscles that pull down, hence allowing the opposing levator muscles to lift. It works well for very early jowl.

Nefertiti Lift /Jowl Lift

The Nefertiti Lift or jowl reduction uses Botox to relax some of the lower face & neck’s depressor muscles that pull down, hence allowing the opposing levator muscles to Jowl lift.

Botox is highly effective for improving facial contours, especially to do away with the signs of ageing. Small amounts of botox placed along the jawline relax the muscle pulling the jawline down.

The ideal age to start this is in the late 20s and early 30s.

Stuff that doesn’t workDouble Chin Mask:

  • Double Chin Mask
  • Beauty Cold/Heat Based Treatments
  • Facial Excersises

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Causes Of ADouble Chin?

A double chin, also referred to as submental fat, is a basic condition that happens when a layer of fat develops beneath your chin. However, a double chin is associated with weight gain. However, it is not necessary to be overweight to have one. Genetics or looser skin resulting from ageing may also lead to a double chin.

Possible Side Effects Of Double Chin Treatment?

However, with other injectable treatments, the most common side effects are:


  • Bruising


  • Pain


  • Numbness


  • Redness


  • Areas of hardness around the treatment area.

Is The Treatment For A Double Chin Painful?

No, the procedure is completely painless and will have no long term negative effects. However, you have to believe in the treatment’s efficiency.

How Do PDO Threads Help In Double Chin Removal?

PDO Threads are now widely popular for double chin removal. These threads also give jowls definition. PDO threads are minimally invasive, which helps to lift the sagging and loose facial skin.

What Are Jowls?

However, excess or sagging skin on the neck, just below the jawline and chin, is referred to as jowls. As people age and their skin becomes less elastic, almost everyone gets minor jowls.

What Causes Jowls?

  • Heredity


  • Stress


  • Repetitive facial habits


  • Lifestyle choices


  • Ageing


  • Lack of exercise

What You Can Do To Prevent Loose Jowls?

Loose jowls occur naturally. The skin begins to loosen as you get older.  However, some people are genetically predisposed to sagging jowls. However, the most beneficial approach to keep jowls from sagging is to keep up with fillers and tightening problems as you age.

Are Facial Exercises For Jowls Effective?

Exercises might help if sagging jowls were a muscle problem. However,

this is a problem with loss of volume (fat) and elasticity. As a result, strengthening the muscle does not solve the problem.

Does Weight Loss Cause Sagging Jowls?

Excessive weight reduction causes sagging jowls earlier or further drastically than typical. You lose fat from your face as you lose weight. As a result, the skin will be looser, and the jowls will sag more.

What Treatments Does Cosmedocs Offer For Double Chin & Jowls?

  • PDO threads


  • Fat dissolving injections

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