Healthy Skin
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Getting glowy and healthy skin isn’t a lock, and key secret like people often make it out to be. When integrated into your everyday life, these 5 simple and easy to follow tips will transform your face. 

Why Is Healthy Skin Important? 

Like any other organ in your body, your skin is a vital and essential part of you. Your skin is the organ that comes in contact with the rest of the world daily. Its job is to protect you, and yours to protect it.    

Internalise The Tips 

You will not be able to protect your skin and keep it healthy without keeping these tips in mind on a daily basis. A slip up here, and there is nothing to be scared of; just keep in mind what to do. 

Whether you are a skincare enthusiast or know nothing about skincare, these tips are the basics of any healthy skin. Get ready to start internalising!

Tip 1: Wash Your Face 

Yes. Yes. I understand how basic that sounds. But there is more to washing your face than you might know. 

Twice daily is usually the magical equation. But you have to do what’s best for you. Over-washing can hurt you by overly dry your skin. Under-washing can leave pollutants and excess oils on your face. 

Start with once in the morning and once at night and adjust according to your skin. 

How often you wash your face is only half of the equation to perfection. It’s essential also to use the right products. 

Use A Cleanser 

Use a foaming cleanser containing salicylic or glycolic acid to help cleanse sunscreen residue and general debris from the face. 

Pro Tip: Use a gentle and preferably fragrance-free cleanser.

Gentle circular motions should be used to massage the cleanser into your face. This step is especially important if you have been wearing makeup. 

Not cleansing can leave makeup residue on your face causing your pore to clog. Collaged pores lead to blackheads and blemishes; it also prevents your skin from breathing. 

(image-individual cleansing)

Pro Tip: Pat dry your skin, not rub.

You want to leave some moisture remaining on the skin and not tug on it. Use a towel gently to blot and tap. 


Exfoliation is an indispensable part of your routine. Once or twice a week, exfoliate the skin to remove dead skin cells to ensure a healthy glow. 

Opting for chemical exfoliation over physical might be better for you. Physical exfoliants can harm your skin by causing micro-tears in your skin. Unline physical exfoliants, chemical exfoliants can be used for a wide range of skin types with a decreased risk of harm. 

A chemical exfoliant such as Harley Street Formulations: Peel to Revel is the way forward. 

(image – preferably of the Harley Street Formulations: Peel to Revel )

Pro Tip: Exfoliants use active ingredients, so it’s essential to make sure that your skin is not overly dry or else it may cause harm. Make sure to keep your skin hydrated and moisturised daily.  

Tip 2: Moisturise 

An everyday essential; It helps your skin from drying out and producing excess oil. 

Moisturising can depend on environmental factors such as the difference between summer and winter. In the summer, your skin might not be as dry as it is in the winter, requiring less of the thick moisturise you’ve been using. 

(image-small diagram of light to heavy moisturizer consistency)

Switching that thick moisturiser for a lighter lotion or a serum containing antioxidants might be the way to go. The antioxidants also help neutralise free radicals from the additional sun exposure you will be receiving.  

Another lightweight moisturising method I would recommend is a Facial Mist. I use it a lot in the summer to counteract saltwater’s drying effects, chlorine when you’re poolside.  

Pro Tip: If you are looking for antibacterial action in your moisturiser, pick one that includes benzoyl peroxide. 

But remember, it’s all about what’s right for you. Moisturising is all about your skin type. 

(image-moisturise vs non moisturised skin)

Skin Type And Moisturizing

Not every skin type benefits from the same advice. While a lighter lotion or serum is always beneficial, look at what you might need. 

Normal Skin 

  • Neither Oily Nor Dry
  • Not Sensitive
  • Smooth And Blemish Free  
A lotion will work best, leaving you with moisture and still absorbs relatively well. 

(image- drawing of normal skin) 


Combination Skin 

  • Dry In Some Areas, Oily In Others
  • Break Out Accour Often 
  • Easily Irritated 
  • Occasionally Enlarged Large Pores  
Similar to normal skin, a lotion will work best. 

(image-drawing of combination skin [see drawing diagrams online showing different types of skin]) 


Oily Skin 

  • Shiny Appearance
  • Enlarged Pores 
  • No Dry Patches
  • Prone to Blackheads And Pimples
Use a gel moisturiser; often water-based, they are lightweight and absorb into the skin quickly.  

Dry Skin 

(image-[follow pattern from above]) 


Dry Skin 

  • Flaky 
  • Easily Develops Fine Lines
  • Pore Visibility Is Low
  • Easily Irritated Skin
A soft cream that is more oil-based and slightly heavier than lotion. Be careful not to get something too heavy on your face as to clog pores. 


Sensitive Skin (Skin Condition)

  • Stinging, Itching or Burning
  • Flushes Easily
  • Easily Irritated 
A balm will be soothing but come with a heavier texture. Beware not to harm your skin while trying to nourish it; consult a board certified dermatologist.  


Pro Tip: Moisturising wrong can cause harm rather than good. It is essential to know when you need it and what you need. Don’t just follow the latest trend, do what’s right for you.   

Keeping Moisture In The Skin 

  • 5-10-minute shower or bath per day 
    • Excessive washing will dry the skin by stripping away its oily layer
    • Don’t use hot water; warm works better 
    • Beware of harsh scrubs and washcloths; they can damage the skin’s surface
  • Pat skin gently with a towel to dry
  • Moisturizes after your shower to trap in the moisture 
    • Use ointments, lotions, and creams within minutes of drying your skin
  • Don’t scratch your skin
    • Cold compresses and moisturisers control the itching
    • Non-irritating clothes help too, such as silk and cotton as appose to rough materials such as wool
    • Hypoallergenic laundry detergent will help 
  • Avoid drying out your skin by sitting too close to fireplaces or other heat sources.
  • Use a humidifier in the winter to help replenish moisture on the top layer of your skin.

Tip 3: Healthy Habits Not Stress  

Get Clean After A Workout  A quick shower to make sure the sweat doesn’t sit on your skin. 
Drink Water Keep hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of water.  
Quit Smoking Unhealthy habits lead to unhealthy skin
Get Your Recommended Hours of Sleep It’s called beauty sleep for a reason. Take care of yourself and your skin. 
Treat Your Skin Gently  We sometimes forget how delicate skin is because of all that it does for us. Make sure you reward it by being kind. 
Keep Your Stress In Check  Stress shows. Stress levels increasing will increase the quantity of sebum, causing your pores to clog. Manage your stress and see the glow appear.

(image-individual drinking water or working out)

Tip 4: Sunscreen 

Sunscreen Is A Daily Must Have 

This can not be stressed enough. No matter if it’s a little cloudy of your not going out in the sun directly. Whether it’s winter or summer, it doesn’t matter. You need protection from UV light, in other words, sun protection. You Need To Apply Sunscreen!!

Protect yourself from sunburn, skin cancer, redness, inflammation, blotchy skin, hyperpigmentation and even the early onset of wrinkles and fine lines. 


Use the same guidelines above for moisturising based on skin type to determine what sunscreen you need. Just make sure regardless of what type it is, it should always be SPF 35 or higher. A broad-spectrum sunscreen is also recommended. 

Pro Tip: Know when you need to reapply. Sunscreen needs to be reapplied to ensure protection throughout the day. When you need to reapply is based on what sunscreen you have.  

Tip 5: Healthy Food 

You are what you eat. Just like the rest of your body, your skin needs nutrients as well. Here is a guide to what your skin needs and what foods provide it.  

(image-healthy food)

What Does Your Skin Need?

Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Organic compounds such as Vitamin A helps rejuvenate the skin. It helps with collagen production, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles and rough appearing skin.  The use of Vitamin C, a popular antioxidant, has many benefits. It penetrated the skin barrier and brightens, providing anti-inflammatory benefits and collagen synthesis. 


Vitamin E


Omega -3

The benefits of Vitamin E are far-reaching. It helps repair the skin’s damage, gives hair thickness, and balances the body’s hormones naturally.   Zinc helps promote tissue repair in the body. In terms of skin, it can help with the efficient healing of bruises.   Omega-3 has benefits for your entire body. In regards to skin, it keeps the cell membranes healthy. These membranes make up a large part of your skin, and their health results in soft, moist and wrinkle-free skin. 


(image- vitamin capsules)

Food For Healthy Skin 

Fatty Fish  Avocados Walnuts Sunflower seeds  Sweet Potatoes 
Red grapes Broccoli  Tomatoes Red Or Yellow Bell Peppers   Dark Chocolate 
Green Tea Soy Mangoes Olive oil  Cocoa Flavanols 
White tea  Kale  Spinach

(image-image of one of the foods above)

Want Results?

Slowly start integrating these practices into your routine. One at a time if necessary. Remember, these are the basics, but they can make a huge difference. 

Tell us what tip you found most helpful and how can we further help you on your journey to healthy skin?

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