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Sitting just in the center of your face, a nose can surely make or break your look. Moreover, the advent of the non-surgical nose job has now made it possible to fix any visible cosmetic imperfections that were otherwise impossible to correct without surgery. However, a nose filler gone wrong scenario is not impossible. Read on to find out how to avoid it.

Who Has More Faith In Their Looks? — Men Or Women?

As per the reports of The Cosmopolitan, a study revealed that contrary to popular belief, males are just as likely as women to experience issues with their appearance. 

So, women are not the only ones worrying over their physical looks.

Only 28% of men and 26% of women, according to a research published in the journal Body Image and covered by Cosmopolitan, claim they’re “extremely satisfied” with their looks.

Most Common Cosmetic Concerns 

While to some people, it really does not matter how they appear to others, however, to many others such as those visiting CosmeDocs, looks do count.

Your nose being the most prominent asset of your face also comes in many shapes and sizes…and slight imperfections too. Let’s take a look at some of the most annoying ones.




Non-Surgical Nose Job To The Rescue!

Whether you are not ready for a surgical nose makeover or want a quick nose fix that is also easy on your pocket, nose fillers may be the answer. 

What Is A Nose Filler? 

A Nose Filler, also popularly known as ‘Liquid Nose Job’ is a non-surgical procedure that is aimed at improving and enhancing the look and proportion of your nose. For this quick and relatively safe treatment, doctors use hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers, making it quite affordable too.

However, unlike a surgical rhinoplasty, the non-surgical nose job results are not permanent and drastic. Rather, the final results are very natural and may last for up to a year and sometimes beyond!

How Does a Non-Surgical Nose Job Work?

After an in-depth and careful examination of your face, as well as your expectations from this sophisticated procedure, your nose job begins. Do not worry as there is no cutting, or stitches involved, there is also no need for general anaesthesia. 

All you need to do is relax with some skin numbing gel on the treatment area after which the doctor injects the dermal fillers at strategic points. Your nose is then finally remodelled to achieve the desired shape that is best suited to your aesthetic needs. 


Voila! It’s your nose but better…

liquid-nose-job-with -dermal-fillers

Botched Nose Job – The ‘Oh No’ Moment

The ultimate goal of a quick non-surgical nose job is to achieve a slimmer, balanced looking nose using dermal fillers. However, one false move by an untrained or a skilled doctor and a nose filler gone wrong becomes a possibility.

A bad nose job is in fact a poorly carried out procedure of nose enhancement that may begin right from the consultation. It usually results from 

A number of factors can be responsible for a botched nose job and one of the most prominent reasons is picking the wrong place for your nose rejuvenation.

5 Top Reasons Behind Nose Filler Gone Wrong

  • Your High Expectations

Many patients tend to set unrealistic goals when it comes to nose fillers which ultimately ends up in a nose fillers gone wrong scenario. Be mindful that a botched nose job not necessarily means vascular complications or loss of vision but also an unsatisfying result.

For instance, if you desire a picture perfect nose from this injectable procedure, you may want to consider a surgical option. Moreover, many experts find this worrying trend that patients expect perfection that also lasts for a long time. 

Such ill-informed goals make them request for more fillers that are discouraged by any good doctor who knows that ‘less is more’. Why?

It gives an unnatural look.

  • Wrong Place For The Right Job

Dermal fillers are one of the top treatments that can easily go wrong if not done by the right person. Without a shadow of doubt, experts agree that nose fillers and lip enhancements can make a huge difference to your facial profile. 

However, if you choose a cheap place or a convenient injector to have them done, you are most likely to stand on the ‘nose fillers wrong spot!’ 

Remember to always value quality over quantity and standard over substandard treatment experience.

  • Not Taking Aftercare Instructions Seriously

Done with your ‘lunchtime nose job’? Time to put your glasses back on. Oh no you don’t! Cosmexperts warn the patients to avoid having any contact with your nose for the first few hours after the treatment.

Moreover, many nose fillers patients tend to engage in strenuous activities immediately after their procedure that may interfere with their results. 

  • Not Understanding Liquid Rhinoplasty Limitations

There are many things dermal fillers can and cannot do. Patients need to understand that. Of course, any good doctor must also educate you all about the procedure and its outcomes and encourage you to avoid over-scrutinizing your looks.

A hyaluronic acid based nose job cannot make your nose look smaller or narrower. Similarly, wide flaring nostrils can only be surgically minimised.

Hence, in order to achieve your favourite nose, you need to understand the ins and outs of a non-surgical rhinoplasty.

  • The Desire For ‘More’

The bad news is, there is no such thing as ‘perfection’ especially when it comes to us humans. On the other hand, the good news is that it is possible to look your best in minutes.

However, most patients, especially ladies, find it difficult to understand and usually pressurise their injector for ‘more’. (A word that kind of puts them off…no really!)

Why? With dermal fillers, there is a common agreement among the aesthetic experts that  ‘more is unnatural’. Besides, you can also ask yourself the question, whether you prefer a naturally enhanced look or a fake one?

Nose Filler Gone Wrong Scenarios

In addition to slight bruising, swelling and redness right after a liquid nose fix, there are also a some possible yet rare unwanted outcomes. Among such botched nose jobs are the over-filling or over-correction, asymmetry, filler migration, under-correction and vascular occlusions, though very uncommon.

patient-nose-filler-gone-wrongThe Over-Filled Syndrome

An overload of volume in your nose is one of the common sights of non-surgical nose job. Of course, the blame rests on the shoulders of an inexperienced injector lacking an eye of aesthetics and naturalness.

According to the Journal of Dermatology and Dermatologic Diseases, wrong choice of filler thickness, poor injection techniques and incorrect filler placement may be behind such a result.


       Vascular Occlusion

Another extremely rare  but serious complication of hyaluronic acid filler injections is vascular occlusion.

This usually happens when your doctor accidentally injects nose filler into one of your arteries or when it is compressed by the filler in the nearby area.

This aesthetic emergency must be addressed at the earliest otherwise it will only worsen and may even lead to vision loss in some cases.


    Under-Correction In Nose Reshaping

You can never be too careful with anything and non-surgical nose job is no exception.

Many aesthetic doctors, in an attempt to avoid the ‘over-filled syndrome’ usually end up with the ‘under-correction dilemma’.

The patient above had her nose bump fixed but also needed some volume on both sides of her nose. This correction would have otherwise given her a less bony nose shape and a more                                           balanced overall facial profile.                           

Avoiding The Nose Filler Gone Wrong!

Dear readers, we do not want to over stress the fact it is your face we are talking about. You will need to undergo all the necessary toiling to find out the right doctor and the place for a nose job.

The Cosmexperts are always looking out for you and are listing down a handy checklist to avoid a botched nose job.

Make sure:

  • You Choose A Reputed Aesthetic Practitioner 

No wonder this tip makes it to the top of our list. It is super important that you do your homework and dive into details of the procedure, its possible side effects and only a trustworthy injector. 

Remember, anyone who promises cheap fillers and such a sophisticated treatment at a bargain may lead you to a dark alley. 

Only a good nose filler expert with tons of experience of the treatment as well as visible non-surgical nose job before and after should be your pick.

  • To Look Like Yourself 

Another most effective way to avoid a ‘fake look’ is to look like yourself! Sounds so convenient right? Unfortunately it’s not so simple. Many celeb obsessed patients arriving at aesthetic clinics demand for a nose that is nothing close to their own.

What’s worse is the willingness of the clinics to give in to their patients’ demands which ultimately ends up in a nose filler gone wrong moment…for everyone.


It’s her nose, but better…sexier!

Always prefer to address your own cosmetic concerns and enhance your own facial profile. There is no one like you in the world…let’s keep it that way.

  • You Set Realistic Expectations

If you are hoping for dramatic changes to your nose shape such as shrinking the width of your nose or correcting asymmetrical nostrils, then dear all, liquid rhinoplasty is not for you.

Moreover, the results from this injectable ‘tweakment’ are not life-long but are long-lasting. You may want to reschedule your appointment at CosmeDocs just before your filler effects start to fade away.

An expert injector will help you set your aesthetic goals in the right directions so that you do not meet disappointments at the end of your treatment.

  • Not To Succumb To The Spell Of Social Media 

It is official. Your social media feed may be more addictive than you think. Most of the YouTube, Tiktok and Instagram influencers are promoting cosmetic procedures as ‘must-have’ to their followers who do not even need one.

But they still end up getting some work done in order to get  an ‘Instagramable Validation’ of their looks and even of their lives. Liquid nose job is just one of the trendy talk of the town. How not to fall prey you ask?

By getting an unbiased opinion from your friends and family as well as an aesthetic doctor with good credentials.    

  • You Know What Nose Filler Can Achieve

An act of magic needs a wand and some magic spells, while a surgery needs a knife, scalpel and general anaesthesia.

A non-surgical nose job on the other hand falls just in between these two and has some limitations to consider.nose-filler-done-right

An experienced practitioner will walk you through what the procedure can and cannot achieve.

Moreover, based on your nose shape and cosmetic concerns, your doctor will prescribe the best possible solution for you.





  • Listen To Your Doctor To Avoid Nose Filler Gone Wrong

A bad nose job does not necessarily mean an undesirable outcome of the procedure but also unsatisfying results. Many patients prefer not to pay any heed to what their doctor has to say and instead, want dramatic results or instant rejuvenation.

Secondly, the nature of the liquid nose lift is non-surgical. Yes, but there is more to it. You need to strictly follow your injector’s aftercare guidelines such as:

  • Avoid wearing glasses immediately after your nose fillers
  • Do not rub or massage the treated area following your procedure
  • Make sure you keep your head in an elevated position for the first few nights to avoid filler migration.

CosmeDocs Getting The Job Right!

Relax dear readers! It is the person behind the injection who either seals or breaks the deal. The nose fillers are in fact quite safe and a legit way to enhance your nose and polish your profile.

With years of experience and a club of happy clientele at CosmeDocs, experts tweak and transform your unwanted nasal imperfections as well as your confidence.

Only An Aesthetic Eye Sees An Aesthetic Goal

To avoid a nose filler gone wrong situation, doctors at CosmeDocs take you on boardCosmeDocs-clinic throughout your journey and employ only the best injection skills.

This process, however, is incomplete without their artistic abilities to deliver super satisfying results best suited to your aesthetic needs.

Book a quick consultation with us and explore your possibilities of looking your best today!

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