Botox Lip Flip | Lip Enhancement Treatment | CosmeDocs London
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    Lip Flip botox Results
    1-2 Weeks | 4-6 Months

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    Procedure Time
    15-20 mins

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    Risks & Complications
    Allergic Reactions, Bruises,

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    Full Recovery
    No Downtime

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What is a Botox Lip Flip?

A Botox lip flip, a non-invasive technique, involves injecting a small amount of botulinum toxin (Botox) into the upper lip muscles.

Unlike fillers, it relaxes muscles, causing the upper lip to subtly roll outward.

Moreover, this procedure enhances the Cupid’s bow and creates the illusion of fuller lips without adding volume. Hence, Lip flip enhance the appearance of your lips, giving them a fuller look.

Botox Lip Flip Procedure:

The lip flip procedure typically involves injecting neuromodulators, such as Botox, into the upper lip area.

Specifically, the injection points for lip flip are usually along the upper border of the upper lip, targeting the orbicularis oris muscle.

So, by injecting small amounts of Botox into this muscle, it relaxes and allows the upper lip to gently roll outward, creating the appearance of more defined lip line.

What Can You Expect After a Botox Lip Flip?

  • Fuller Lip Appearance:

Over time, you’ll notice a subtle yet noticeable improvement in the fullness and definition of your upper lip. Hence, this will create a more aesthetically pleasing lip shape.

  • Minimal Downtime:

There is usually minimal downtime associated with a lip flip procedure, allowing you to resume your normal activities immediately afterward.

  • Gradual Results:

The full effects may take a few days to develop as the Botox relaxes the muscles and the upper lip gently curls upward.

Who Should Consider This Treatment?

The best candidates are those who have a thinner upper lip and desire additional volume in that area.

Moreover, if your upper lip

  • recedes,
  • curls  
  • completely disappear

when smiling or speaking, even exposing excess teeth or gums when smiling. So, you can benefit from the lip flip and achieve a poutier aesthetic.

Botox Lip flip v/s Lip fillers?

Both procedures aim to enhance lip fullness.

Lip fillers:

Lip fillers are a type of dermal filler that uses hyaluronic acid (HA) injected by an expert to enhance lip volume. The results, including fuller lips, are visible immediately post-procedure.

Botox Lip Flip:

In a lip flip, Botox is injected into the muscles of your upper lip. Approximately a week later, the injections create a fuller or “poutier” appearance without actually adding volume to your lips.

However, compared to lip fillers, lip flips generally yield a more natural look.

Benefits of Botox Lip Flip:

Subtle Lip Enhancement:

Unlike dermal fillers, which add volume to the lips, a lip flip subtly enhances the upper lip by relaxing the muscles around it, allowing the lip to roll slightly upward.

Natural-Looking Results:

The effect of a botox lip flip is generally subtle and natural-looking, enhancing the natural shape and fullness of the lips without the risk of looking overdone.

Age-Defying Benefits:

By giving more shapely lips and enhancing lip volume, a lip flip botox treatment can help defy the signs of aging, providing a rejuvenated appearance to the lips and surrounding area.

Effortless Enhancement:

Unlike more invasive procedures, a lip flip is a quick and minimally invasive treatment, making it an effortless way to enhance the lips and surrounding area.

Confidence Booster:

Achieving the desired lip shape can boost confidence and self-esteem, allowing individuals to feel more comfortable and confident in their appearance.

Reduction of Smoker’s Lines:

Botox relaxes perioral muscles and helps soften and prevent the formation of smoker’s lines, the vertical lines above the upper lip often caused by

  • aging,
  • sun damage,
  • repetitive lip movements like smoking.
smokers lines

Overall, after a lip flip procedure, you can expect to enjoy a fuller, more defined upper lip and a refreshed lip appearance with minimal discomfort and downtime.

Botox Lip Flip Price

For pricing please visit our price page.

Client Reviews

Botox Lip Flip Before and After

Our before and after results clearly demonstrate the subtle enhancements a botox lip flip procedure can provide, including fuller lips, sharper definition, and an improved overall shape.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any side effects associated with Botox Lip flip?

Side effects of Botox injections are generally mild and temporary and may include:

  • redness,
  • swelling,
  • bruising,
  • mild discomfort at the injection sites.

These side effects typically resolve on their own within a few days.

Will my lips feel numb after a Botox lip flip Treatment?

It’s normal to experience some mild numbness or tingling in the lips immediately after the procedure due to the injections. However, this sensation usually subsides within a few hours.

Can I undergo a lip flip botox treatment if I have had lip fillers in the past?

Yes, it’s generally safe to undergo a lip flip procedure if you have previously had lip fillers. However, it’s essential to inform your provider about any past cosmetic treatments during your consultation to ensure they can create a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Can I still move my lips normally after a lip flip Treatment?

Yes, a lip flip is designed to create subtle enhancement while preserving natural movement and expression in the lips. You should still be able to smile, talk, and perform regular facial expressions after the procedure.

Will a lip flip make my lips noticeably bigger?

A lip flip is designed to create subtle enhancement by relaxing the muscles around the upper lip, resulting in a slight upward lift. While it can give the appearance of slightly fuller lips, the effect is typically more natural and subtle compared to lip fillers.

Can I wear lipstick or lip gloss after a Treatment?

It’s generally recommended to avoid applying makeup or other products to the lips immediately after a lip flip to allow the injections to settle. Our provider at CosmeDocs will provide specific post-care instructions, including when it’s safe to resume wearing lipstick or lip gloss.

Is Botox lip flip treatment a painful procedure?

Lip Flip is not at all a painful procedure. The reason is that at CosmeDocs, experts usually use a skin-numbing agent before injecting Botox (botulinum toxin) to avoid any possible discomfort.

Many patients report a mere pinch or prick during the Botox injections and feel slight soreness immediately after the procedure. Nevertheless, that sensation usually goes away on its own.

How long does a lip flip treatment last?

The results of a lip flip typically last around 4 to 6 months. Over time, the effects gradually wear off, and you may choose to get maintenance to maintain your results.

How soon will I see results after a botox lip flip Treatment?

While individual experiences may vary, you may notice subtle improvements in lip appearance within a few days to a week after the procedure. Full results typically develop over 1-2 weeks.

Why CosmeDocs?

CosmeDocs is a renowned name in the industry of cosmetics. Our clinics located in Harley Street (London), Derby, Nottingham, and Portsmouth are well equipped and modern practices. CosmeDocs are also well-known trainers to physicians from around the globe.

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