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Cosmetic & Skin Care Glossary

Azelaic Acid

A naturally occurring substance that can be used in skin care products to treat mild acne.


A material used in lip augmentation to produce lips which look fuller and younger.


Thinning of the skin due to reduction of underlying tissue.

Atopic Dermatitis

See Eczema


Swelling beneath the skin rather than on the surface of the skin.

Angel’s Kisses

See Macular Stains


The complete or partial loss of hair.


An inherited disorder in which there is no pigmentation in skin, hair, or eyes due to the absence of melanin.

Age Spots

Small flat pigmented spots that are most often seen on areas of the body that have been exposed to the sun over a period of years.


A small skin tag that can be located almost anywhere on the body or face.

Acitinic Purpura

A skin condition which results from chronic sun-exposure and increasing age.

Acne Vulgaris

A skin condition resulting in whiteheads, blackheads, and inflamed red pimples.

Acne Scar

Scar due to severe acne. The scars can range from deep pits to scars that are angular or wavelike in appearance.


A skin condition characterized by the excess production of oil from sebaceous glands in which the hair follicles become plugged.

Acanthosis Nigricans

A breakout of hyperpigmented plaques and warty papules in the axillae, groin, neck, and/or anogenital region.


Involves thickening of the skin, which results in papules and plaques forming.


A pus-containing skin infection that occurs from bacteria or parasites.


A surgical procedure done to flatten the abdomen by removing extra fat and skin and tightening muscles in your abdominal wall.

Bullous Pemphigoid

A skin disorder which produces large blisters.


A skin blister that is raised more than .5 cm that contains serous fluid above the dermis.

Brow Lift

A surgical procedure where the skin of the forehead and eyebrows is tightened to eliminate sagging eyebrows or to correct frown lines.

Breast Lift

See Mastopexy

Breast Augmentation

A surgical procedure done to increase breast size.


A substance derived from botulinum toxin that works by preventing nerve impulses from reaching the muscle.


A cosmetic surgical procedure which reduces bagginess from lower eyelids and raises drooping upper eyelids.


See Acne


See Open Comedo


A surgical procedure which involves the removal and examination of tissues or cells from the body.

Beta Hydroxy Acid

An oil-soluble exfoliant that is commonly found in skin-care products.

Benzoyl Peroxide

An antibacterial medication used to combat the bacteria that aggravate acne.

Basal Cell Carcinoma

The most common, slow-growing form of skin cancer where small bumps form on the skin and may bleed.

Cystic Acne

A severe form of acne forming papule.


A deep lesion filled with pus or fluids.


A dermatological procedure done by freezing the lesion with liquid nitrogen.


See Scab

Crows Feet

The fine lines found around the eyes. They are often caused by sun exposure. Smoking can also contribute to their formation.

Creeping Eruption

A skin infection that causes severe itching.

Copper Peptide

A common ingredient found in skin care products, copper peptide is used to promote the production of collagen and elastin in the skin.

Contracture Scar

A type of scar in which a permanent tightening of skin occurs, often in response to a burn.

Contact Dermatitis

A rash or inflammation of the skin caused by having contact with various substances.

Collagen Injections

Injected beneath the skin to treat minor imperfections on the face, such as wrinkles, scars, and facial lines.


A natural protein found in bone, skin, ligaments, and tendons.

Cold Sore

A recurrent lesion around the mouth caused by herpes simplex virus.

Closed Comedo

A type of acne with a white or yellowish head on the skin.


A condition which results in the thickening of the skin.


See Melasma

Cherry Angioma

Small red to purple papules on the skin containing abnormal proliferation of blood vessels.

Chemical Peels

A dermatological solution used to improve the texture of the face by removing the top layer of the skin.


See Chemical Peels


A common deep skin infection caused by bacteria resulting in localized area inflammation.

Cavernous Hemangioma

A raised, red to purple sore on the skin due to a buildup of blood vessels.


An acute, round, firm, and tender boil on the skin.


A fungus skin infection occurring in the mouth, skin folds, navel, genitals, and nail beds.

Café Au Lait Spot

Pigmented birthmarks that are uniform light to dark borwn colors and are usually oval in shape.

Drug Eruption

An eruption caused by injection, ingestion, inhalation, or insertion of a drug.

Discoid/Discoid Lupus

A descriptive term used for round papules, plaques, or patch resembling a disk-like shape.

Dimple Sign

A central depression or dimple educed within a lesion when it is squeezed.

Deviated Septum

A condition in which the wall inside the nose that divides it into two nostrils, called the septum, is not located where it should be.


The peeling or shedding of the epidermis.


The middle layer of the skin, the dermis is a complex combination of blood vessels, hair follicles, and sebaceous (oil) glands.


A doctor who specializes in the treatment and diagnosis of skin and skin-related problems.


A skin condition where raised, reddish marks or hives appear on the skin due to light scratching.


A small, non-cancerous red or brown bump in the skin normally found on the legs.


An inflammation of the skin caused by an allergic reaction or contact with an irritant.


A product derived from human donor tissue that is used in lip augmentation to produce a look of fuller lips.


A procedure where a patient’s upper layers of skin, scarred from acne, pox, or other causes, is frozen and removed.


The removal of hair.


The process of removing dead or devitalized tissue before reconstructive or cosmetic surgery.

Eye Lift

See Blepharoplasty


To remove the top layer of skin. Chemical peels and dermabrasion are examples of methods in which the skin is exfoliated.


When the skin is covered by scabs due to scratching.


An extensive rash.


An extensive reddening of the skin often due to exfoliation.


A skin infection where irregular pink patches are localized or generalized, and turn to brown scales.

Erythema Nodosum

A skin infection where red bumps appear on the shins.

Erythema Multiforme

Abnormal redness of the skin usually caused by inflammation.


An acute streptococcus bacterial infection that results in inflammation.


Loss of the epidermis due to friction or pressure.


The outer layer of the skin. The epidermis is also the thinnest layer, responsible for protecting you from the harsh environment.




A hair removal procedure in which chemicals or heat is used to destroy the hair follicle.


A protein found with collagen in the dermis that is responsible for giving structure to the skin and organs.


A chronic inflammatory skin condition that results in itching, scaling, and thickening of the skin.


A non-blanching skin discoloration due to the escape of blood from ruptured blood vessels.


See Carbuncle


A light or moderately brown spot that appears on the skin as a result of exposure to sunlight.


Inflammation of hair follicles from infection.


A deep furrow, cleft, or slit in the epidermis.


A type of connective tissue used in lip augmentation to produce fuller lips.


See Rhytidectomy

Granuloma Annulare

A chronic skin disease where raised, red bumps appear in a circle or ring with a normal or sunken center.


A procedure in which healthy skin or muscle is moved from one area of the body to another that’s damaged by disease or injury.


Diminished, paler than normal, pigmentation.


The fatty layer of skin, home of sweat glands and fat and collagen cells.

Hypertrophic Scar

A raised and red scar, similar to a keloid scar but different in that it stays within the boundaries of the injury site.


Excess, darker than normal, pigmentation.


See Urticaria


Excessive facial and body hair growth, especially found in women.

Herpes Zoster

See Shingles

Herpes Simplex

A recurrent, self limited viral disease that causes the eruption of fluid-containing vesicles.


A type of birthmark characterized by concentrations of small blood vessels.


See Clavus


The reaction of the skin that causes redness, swelling, heat, and pain due to injury, infection, or allergic reaction.


The hardening of normally soft skin due to inflammation, cellular infiltration, or an accumulation of blood a condition.


A bacterial skin infection where microscopic pus-filled blisters appear


A condition where the immune system has been impaired by disease and decreases a person’s ability to fight infections.


A heredity skin disease where epidermis flakes off in large scales or plates.


A cosmetic, dermal filler gel injection consisting of hyaluronic acid used to add volume and hydration.

Kojic Acid

A skin treatment product derived from a fungus that works as a lightening agent and inhibits the production of melanin.

Keratosis Pilaris

A genetic skin condition where rough bumps appear on the back, upper arms, and thighs.


A skin growth that is round and fleshed-colored that contain pasty material.


See Squamous Cells


This dominant protein is the skin’s main material, occurring also in hair and nails. Keratin is what makes skin rigid.


A firm pink, raised scar tissue caused by excessive tissue repair that extends beyond the borders of the original injury.


A benign proliferation of lymphatic vessels causing a raised, yellow-tan or red mark on the skin.

Liver Spots

Discoloration of the skin due to aging and sun exposure.


A cosmetic procedure in which a special instrument called a cannula is used to break up and suck out fat from the body.


See Liposuction


A benign tumor under the skin composed of fatty tissue.

Lip Augmentation

A procedure done to improve deflated, drooping, or sagging lips; correct their symmetry; or reduce fine lines and wrinkles around them.


Diffuse, thickening of the skin due to scratching and rubbing.


Refers to clinical lesions that various skin diseases cause by the eruption of flat papules.


Contagious, tiny insects infested in the scalp, and sometimes on the eyebrows and eyelashes causing intense itching.


A freckle or other pigmented spot found on the surface of the skin.


See Age Spots

Laser Resurfacing

A cosmetic procedure where high-energy light is used to burn away damaged skin, including wrinkles and fine scars.

L-Ascorbic Acid

A form of Vitamin C.

Mongolian Spots

Bluish-black congenital skin marks found at birth, on the lower back and buttock.


Small, dark raised congenital spots on the skin.


A form of tattooing commonly used to apply permanent makeup by injecting iron oxide pigment into the middle layer of the skin.


A light to dark brown, patchy pigmentation of the cheeks, or the forehead and upper lip, that results from sun-exposure.


A rare but sometimes fatal type of skin cancer that starts off as a mole and turns cancerous.


Epidermis cells which produce melanin.


A procedure used to remove excess skin in order to lift up sagging or drooping breasts.


The surgical removal of part of or the entire breast.


Any reconstructive or cosmetic surgical procedure that alters the size or shape of the breast.


A circumscribed flat, discolored spot on the skin.

Macular Stains

A small birthmark that is often nothing more than a small, mild, red blemish on the skin.


A condition that affects children in which the fingers or toes grow abnormally large.

Nose Job

See Rhinoplasty


See Papule

Nevi Flammeus

See Port-Wine Stains

Neck Lift

A set of cosmetic procedures used to enhance the appearance of the neck, to help present a more youthful look.


A tumor.

Pyogenic Granuloma

Raised marks caused by excessive growth of the capillaries.


See Pimple


A yellow or white fluid formed in infected tissue.

Punch Grafts

A procedure to treat deep acne scars by removing the scar on the skin and placing a skin graft in the area of the cut.


The drooping of a body part, especially the eyelids or the breasts.


A chronic skin condition that causes rapid skin growth which results in redness, irritation, and scaly patches.

Prickly Heat

A skin condition that resembles a rash, and is caused by sweat that is trapped under the skin.

Port-Wine Stains

A birthmark consisting of malformed, dilated blood vessels in the skin leaving pink, red, or purple marks on the skin.


A tiny opening on the surface of the skin.


A small, elevated, solid lesion with a disk-shaped formation.

Pityriasis Rosea

A common skin condition resembling patches of scaly, pink, and inflamed skin usually found on the torso.


An inflamed lesion on the skin which resembles a pink bump.


The changes that occur to the skin due to sun exposure, including age spots and wrinkles.


A cosmetic dermal filler injection used to soften your wrinkles and facial lines, and lift and add volume to your face.


A circumscribed flat, discolored spot on the skin.


A raised area of the skin that does not contain any fluids.


A pus-forming, fungal skin infection that causes inflammation around the fingernail and toenail.


A skin disease with various symptoms, including redness and puffiness on several areas of the face, including the cheeks and nose.


A fungal skin infection with the formation of red, blistery, ring-shaped patches.


A surgical procedure used to eliminate the sagging, drooping, and wrinkled skin of the face and neck.


A cosmetic procedure used to enhance or change the appearance of the nose.


A derivative of Vitamin A commonly found in many skin care creams.


A cosmetic gel injection used to restore the skin’s volume to enhance a person’s natural look with a soft and revitalizing appearance.


A skin infection which causes itching and blistering.


A cosmetic filler injection made of microscopic balls of calcium hydroxylapatite used to add fullness to lips.


Stitches used to hold tissue together or to close a wound.


The ‘Sun Protection Factor’ is the amount of protection a suntan product provides.


The deepest layer of the skin that lies below the dermis.

Subcautaneous Layer

See Subcutis


See Stretch Marks

Stretch Marks

Scarring caused by the stretching or tearing of the skin.

Stratum Corneum

The outermost layer of the epidermis.

Stork Bites

See Macular Stains

Squamous Cells

The main cell found in the epidermis.

Spider Veins

See Telangiectasia

Spider Angioma

An abnormal collection of blood vessels near the skin’s surface causing bright red mark with a distinct dark spot.

Skin Tags

A small non-cancerous, flesh-colored skin flaps which appear on the neck, armpits, or groin.

Skin Resurfacing

A cosmetic treatment to improve the texture, clarity and overall appearance of your skin.

Skin Cancer

The uncontrolled growth of cancerous tumor on the skin that can spread to other tissues and organs.


A viral infection of the nerve that causes a painful rash with small blisters.


A surgical procedure done to improve the flow of air to your nose by repairing malformed cartilage or the bony portion.

Seborrheic Keratosis

Non-cancerous wart-like spots on the skin that is commonly flesh-colored, brown, or black.

Sebaceous Glands

Microscopic glands in the skin that secrete oil to the surface of the skin.


A medical procedure used to eliminate varicose veins and spider veins.


A fibrous tissue on the skin due to an injury, skin disease, rash, or acne.


Dry skin that flakes due to dead skin cells.


A contagious skin infection caused by mites that result in intense itching.


Dried blood, pus, or other fluids on the surface of the skin.


A disease that causes inflammation in the lymph nodes and other organs.


A term used to describe a yellowish color of the skin.

Salicylic Acid

A keratolytic drug used in dermatological procedures to remove the out layer of the skin.


A prescription drug related to vitamin A used to treat acne and other skin disorders.

Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis

A severe skin disorder caused by a reaction to medicine where the top layer of skin starts blistering and peeling.

Tinea Versicolor

A chronic non-inflammatory fungal infection where white or light brown patches appear on the skin.


Dilated blood vessels which cause dark red blotches on the skin.


A toxic substance found in resin that causes allergic skin reaction.


An allergic reaction from food or medication where red, itchy, and swollen spots appear on the surface of the skin.

Volume Restoration

A treatment that provides long-lasting results to give you a natural, youthful appearance.


A condition in which smooth white patches appear on the skin due to a loss of pigment producing cells.

Varicose Vein

Enlarged, twisted veins found near the surface of the skin.


A small crease or fold in the skin surface resulting from aging or frowning.

Winter Itch

A condition in which the skin becomes irritated due to a loss of moisture.


See Closed Comedo


A small non-cancerous skin growth caused by a virus that appears on the surface of the skin.


See Xerosis


The excessive and pathological dryness of the skin or mucous membranes.

Yeast Infection

See Candidiasis

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