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Knife To Needle

Living with a nose you don’t love can have really serve to wreck confidence. But before you feel that a painful and costly invasive knife procedure is your only option, bring yourself up to speed with the non-surgical nose job that is currently being adored by celebrities. This no knife nose job serves to smooth out lumps and bumps and straighten out the appearance of the nose to create a soft and natural appearance. Knief to Niddle

here is everything you need to know.

Remembering Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is the name given to the common nose job. During the procedure, the surgeon makes cuts within the nostrils, and often right across the base of the nose. The surgeon then reshapes the inner bone and cartilage to produce the desired results, often with a medical hammer and chisel. It’s an invasive process that carries with it the risk of bleeding, infection, swelling and scaring at the base of the nose. However, not to knock this procedure – it’s practiced widely around the world, but it’s refreshing to know that the industry has caught up with a solution that requires much less nerve and  less budget.

Surgical Instrument for Nose Job

Non-surgical solution

Whatever your nose bugbear, be it bumps, lumps or a generally wonky nose pioneering derma fillers can work to solve them. The procedure works by injecting the filler from base to tip, which in essence serves to make the nose look ever so slightly bigger but completely smoother, which gives the illusion of a smaller nose. Got it? “Bear with us, a wonky and uneven nose appearance serves to make the nose look more obvious” While the addition of fillers works to add depth, the smooth appearance makes the nose look less prominent and restores confidence dramatically.

Changing the appearance of the face

We live in times of contouring, and it’s a word used to describe anything from hair colour to make-up techniques. However, contouring can start a lot closer to home by actually softly changing the appearance of your face to flatter all the other features. By changing the width, length or depth of the nose other features can suddenly seem more in proportion which is why we see an upsurge in Asian patients seek out nose contouring. Genetically blessed with wider face, short chin and shallow nose bridge many Oriental clients are taking advantage of this cutting-edge technique to better balance aesthetics by creating a beautiful landmark to balance all facial features.

Nose Job for Hooked Nose nose job for Hump Nose

After injury

Life can be a rough ride and your body can show the scars. Often the nose falls victim to injury through sport or just general clumsiness. If the nose experienced crookedness or small holes, fillers can help dramatically improve the appearance. In fact, the non-surgical nose job began life by giving confidence back to athletes before it became a serious alternative to a nose job.

Who can benefit?

The best candidate for this non-surgical nose job is someone with a nose suffering from small bumps, small irregular contour after surgery or injury, or a nose that suffers from unevenness. Ideal clients include those with average size noses because the bigger the nose, the more difficult the procedure as the nose tip becomes harder.
non surgical nose job before and after

non surgical rhinoplasty

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