Tear Trough Filler Before And After | See photos and Results
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Feeling like your eyes don’t reflect your vibrant self due to persistent dark circles, wrinkles, or hollowness? If you’ve tried countless remedies without success, it’s time for a new approach. Tear Trough Fillers offer a transformative solution to rejuvenate your appearance. Say goodbye to temporary fixes and explore the remarkable before and after photos of Tear Trough Filler treatments at CosmeDocs!

What Are Tear Troughs Anyway?

Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Do you notice any mild to deep grooves running from the side of your nose, just below the eyes but above the upper cheekbones? They may become deeper, casting a shadow and, hence, making dark circles appear. 

You do? Well, there you have it: visually unappealing tear troughs that become deeper and darker with age and a persistently poor lifestyle. However, CosmeDocs offers a solution! Explore our impressive gallery of before-and-after tear trough transformations below!Complex Tear Trough Anatomy By CosmeDocs Picture

The anatomy of the tear trough is intricate, consisting of fat spaces, ligaments, and muscles that all change with age. These alterations can lead to issues like darkness and hollowness under the eyes.

Tear Troughs Vs. Dark Circles Vs. Eye Bags

Before diving right into the treatment, it is very important to know what condition you are dealing with and what has caused it to happen in the first place. Here is the breakdown for you all:

Tear Troughs

This is a deep groove or crease between your lower eyelid and upper cheek. Depending on its depth, it can cast a shadow below your eyes, giving a tired, aged, and sad look. Tear troughs also run in the families and also result from volume loss underneath your eye area.

Before and after tear trough treatment for under eye circles
See how tear trough treatments work wonders: Check our photos before and after to see eyes go from tired to bright and young.

Dark Circles Under Eyes

One of the most common and undesirable conditions is dark circles. Due to discoloration, they look visibly different from the rest of the facial skin.

Dermal Fillers Before and After For Dark Eye Circles
Dermal fillers can improve the hollowness as well as the dark shadows of the under eye region

Thankfully, they are not always a sign of medical concern and can result from:

● Iron deposit (bluish hue)
● Pigmentation (brownish hue)
● Genetically passed on in your family
● Ageing
● Anemia

Bags Under Eyes

No, you do not have ‘literally bags’ under your eyes; you have small bulges or pouches underneath them. They, too, are passed on from generation to generation and have other reasons too, such as:

● Consuming too much salt
● Underlying medical problems, such as improper functioning of the thyroid gland
● Forces of aging

Nevertheless, according to Dr. Shaun Desai, M.D., facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon who tells Johns Hopkins Medicine, the most common reason behind eye bags is the natural aging process.

Before and After Under Eye Circles Using Dermal Fillers
Before and right after using dermal fillers for under-eye circles: stunning improvements with just minor entry points visible.

The skin under the eyes becomes thinner and looser, and surrounding muscles and tissues tend to weaken. Hence, it gives your eyes a ‘baggy’ look.

Tear Trough Filler — What Are They

Tear Trough Filler is a dream for anyone struggling with under-eye issues. This treatment uses a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler injected just under the eyes to elevate the tear trough area smoothly, addressing concerns like shadows and hollows.

Tear trough fillers consist of hyaluronic acid, and we specifically use a product from a Swiss company that is enriched with vitamins and amino acids. These added ingredients help stimulate collagen production, enhancing the skin’s natural firmness and youthfulness.

We administer the filler through a painless technique, using either a cannula or ultra-fine needles, also known as invisible needles, leaving minimal marks on the skin. Typically, clients can resume their daily activities immediately after the procedure (see before and immediately after pictures)

This non-surgical eye enhancement treatment efficiently plumps up the deep depressions in the lower eyelid area and brightens up the dark shadows resulting from those dips and grooves.

So, you leave the clinic looking rested and rejuvenated without any downtime. Take a look at our tear trough before and after photos to see if this cosmetic enhancement is worth the splurge!

How Long Do Tear Trough Fillers Last?

Well, unlike those dandy eye creams that promise to work wonders in 4 weeks but vanish right before getting the job done, under-eye fillers last much longer. However, they, too, do not give permanent results, and you might need to reschedule your appointment to keep looking refreshed and youthful.

The longevity of the tear trough fillers is usually somewhere between 12-18 months and, in some cases, even longer depending on several factors such as:

The type of dermal filler used for the treatment
● Actual amount of filler used for the treatment
● Your age also plays an important role
● Lifestyle and hydration levels of your body
● Your body’s ability to break down the fillers
● Degree of sun exposure 

Hence, monitoring any changes to your face and facial skin and adopting a healthy lifestyle is important to keep you in good shape. Moreover, add an eyecare routine to your skincare routine…your eyes will thank you later…we promise!

Eye-Opening Tear Trough Filler Before And After

Here are some of the happy clients of CosmeDocs who chose to look and feel their best with tear trough fillertweakment’. They all looked much more refreshed and confident afterward.                                                       

Celebrities Tear Trough Filler Before And After

We do not blame them. The Showbiz industry is ruthless, and looks do matter…a lot! Your favorite celebrities have had tear-trough fillers to look their best in front of the cameras. Here are a few A-list celebs who look stunning after their tear-trough fillers treatment.


Katy Perry



Kim Kardashian

Why Choose Tear Trough Fillers?

Not one, two, or three, but multiple benefits of under-eye fillers exist. Hence, this non-invasive treatment is popular among patients of all ages and walks of life. We list a few reasons why tear-trough filler is a game-changer for you.

① Total Eye Rejuvenation, Totally Natural!

By filling in the sunken under-eye area and plumping up the crepey skin around the eyes, clients at CosmeDocs look almost instantly transformed! What’s more? The procedure results are remarkably natural if you choose an experienced injector for under-eye fillers.

So, no need to tell your friends you had any work donethat remains a secret between the Cosmexperts and you!

Our tear trough under eye filler before and after transformations look natural and subtle without any invasive approach.

② No More ‘Hollowed Out’ Look

They say that the ‘ageing clock never stops,’ and they are right! Ageing takes its toll on everyone, and your face, especially your eyes, mirrors it immediately. How?

With time, the under-eye skin and fat pads tend to change, resulting in a sunken or hollowed-out look. Tear trough filler restores volume in that area, and in no time, you can embrace ‘your face but better look’.

③ Brightens Up Gloomy Under Eye Shadows

Cucumbers are good for your skin and eyes, but do they eliminate those crazy dark circles under your eyes and puffy ones? Not really. Dark circles always make one look sad, weary, and sleepy—in a word, unattractive. 

On the other hand, fillers for dark circles and deep tear troughs can lighten and brighten any face in minutes. Check out the tear trough filler before and after photos of one of our clients at number 4!

④ Plumps Up Ageing Eye Wrinkles

The experts at CosmeDocs use soft tissue fillers that instantly fill in fine to deep wrinkles under the eyes. Wrinkles are one of the first and major signs of ageing, and the wafer-thin skin under the eyes is quite quick to show them. 

Thankfully, under-eye wrinkle fillers successfully reduce their look and last pretty long. So, next time you are left with extra soft filler, ask your doctor to fill it in your creases under and around the eyes.

⑤ Express Procedure, Instant Gratification

Can you imagine being able to get rid of those tired eyes and sad aging look in under 30 minutes? No, we are not talking about those handy smartphone apps that can zap away your imperfections. It is the tear-trough treatment that rejuvenates instantly with immediate and visible results. There is no need to delete that PERFECT selfie app, though…

⑥ Makes Fancy Eye Creams, Unnecessary

So here is to burst your bubble. There is no such thing as the best eye cream for dark circles, volume loss, deep wrinkles, and eye bags. A good eye cream can only hydrate the skin, but nothing more than that.

According to BYRDIE, Dr. Marisa Garshick, M.D who is a board-certified dermatologist based in New York City, says:

“An eye cream might not be the best choice if you lose volume due to ageing. It is important to have real expectations from the product. Moreover, depending on your condition, microneedling, PRP, laser, filler, radiofrequency device, or other treatments may be necessary.”

Hence, under-eye filler takes the lead!

⑦ No Need To Slather On Concealers And Correctors

Tired of putting on under-eye concealers and color correctors to hide away under eye dark shadows. We know you groan and sigh every morning when you look at your mirror. Thank god that’s over now.

From Tired To Terrific — Only At CosmeDocs

Your eyes can communicate with others even if you choose not to speak. Whether it is a night of booze, poor diet, and sleeping habits, or the forces of aging, your eyes are first to show the aftermath. Moreover, genetic factors can also be blamed for sunken eyes and shadowy hollows.

Experts at CosmeDocs, with their master injection skills, utmost precision, caution, and an aesthetic eye, can ‘tweak and transform’ your tired-looking profile into a terrific one.

The clinic has a club of thousands of happy clients, and our tear trough filler before and after photos testify to that. 

Get in touch with us today, and let us light up those gloomy grooves under your eyes that are bringing down your whole personality. Book your under-eye filler appointment today!

“You are full of energy. Don’t let your eyes tell otherwise!”

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